Updated February 10th, 2025 / Dealer Cost on select items  / Call (207) 890-2932   scoperings@gmail.com  Made in the USA    Talley Manufacturing, Inc. Authorized Dealer

Browning BLR Picatinny Rail P00252712 (Available in 0 moa only)

Browning BLR Picatinny Rail P00252712 (Available in 0 moa only)

$ 69.95

Verify Screw hole spacing; see table below.  Some BLRs use the BAR Mount.

Action / MOA Rear Height1 Hole2 1 ↔ 2 Hole 2 ↔ 3 Hole 3 ↔ 4 Front Height3 Overall Length Weight
Standard .385″ .500″ 2.812″ .500″ .385″ 5.7″ 1.8oz.


1 The Rear height is measured at hole 1; from the top of the action to the top of the rail.

2 Hole 1 is closest to the shooter and hole 4 is closest to the muzzle. Hole spacing measured center to center.

3 The Front Height is measured at hole 4; from the top of the action to the top of the rail.