Updated February 10th, 2025 / Dealer Cost on select items  / Call (207) 890-2932   scoperings@gmail.com  Made in the USA    Talley Manufacturing, Inc. Authorized Dealer

Contact Us / About Us

Contact information:

Phone - call or text msg:  (207) 890 2932 

Email: scoperings@gmail.com

Mailing address: ScopeRings.net, Marshall Talbott, PO Box 4116, Naples, Maine 04055

We have been a Talley Mfg Inc Dealer since 1997 and are excited about our new shopping cart with approximately 1500 items. 

Why buy from us?  We pride ourselves on great customer service, our expertise in getting you the best scope mounting system for your setup, ease of shopping and easy payment options.  Last but not least, Discount Codes are frequently offered.

We are located in Naples, Maine and sell to all states in the USA, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Norway, Sweden, South Africa and other overseas locations.

Mailing address: Marshall Talbott - Manager,   PO Box 4116,   Naples, Maine 04055  USA

When you pay by using any Major Credit Card. Your charges will show up on your credit card statement as: HuntAmerica.com LLC

You can also pay by PayPal. Look for the PayPal Express Button during your checkout.  Our paypal business account is associated with our email address: scoperings@gmail.com

I also accept personal checks as payment.

Your feedback would be greatly appreciated