Updated February 10th, 2025 / Dealer Cost on select items  / Call (207) 890-2932   scoperings@gmail.com  Made in the USA    Talley Manufacturing, Inc. Authorized Dealer

Remington Model 700-721-722-725-40X ( ULTRALIGHT ) Alloy Light Weight Ring Base Combination (xxx700UL series)

Remington Model 700-721-722-725-40X ( ULTRALIGHT ) Alloy Light Weight Ring Base Combination (xxx700UL series)

$ 49.95

This is a skinnier mount as image shows.  The weight is about 1.5 oz for a set  (front and rear mount)

for receivers drilled and tapped for four standard 6-48 screws...

can be drilled out for the larger 8-40 screws on request... 

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